Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 4, 2013

Ola Familia!! Como Estas! Bem, I hope!
Thank you for all the email I got this week from Jessiqa, Noelle, Emma, Zach, Mom and Dad!
     Sorry thost pics didnt send, but I don't have my cord with me and they didn't save on my last email so....sorry....but I wont be able to send them until next week.
Emma: nah I didnt shave all my head, just really short, Its really easy because now I wont have to do my hair for like 2 more months. I save a whole 3 min in the mornings!!
I can get mostly anything out here, but the good stuff is really expensive.
So I sent a letter a few days ago and you should get it...ok I dont know when you should get it, but know that I sent it.
This week has been awesome! We only have one baptism this week, Alex, because Erickson didnt make it to church. So he will be babtized in a couple weeks. We do a lot of contacting. Because lots of our lessons fall through every day. Lots of door knocking and talking to people. But I love it!! The Branch is really taking leaps and bounds. Lost more of the peole in the branch are fufilling their callings! It is still really hard to get references from the members. Its is taking a while, but as soon as we get the Branch on board with missionary work the work here will explode! References are so much more reliable than the contacts, so as soon as we get that going, It will skyrocket! And we are already seeing little changes here and there so that is really good!. Luzia has a babtismal date on the 23 of this month and she is so ready! She understands everything we tell her and comes to church! She literally is my mom down here in Africa! Elder Wilhelm's head is fine so no need to worry there, he has a nice little scar. I know that this work is true and that the lord blesses the people here! I know that my savior lives and that he loves all of his children! This is sacred work!! And the lord oversees everything!! Love you all and thank you for your prayers and support, they are greatly appreciated!!

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