Saturday, March 1, 2014

January 20, 2014

Dear Family:

We had a pretty stellar week with lots of ups and downs as ususal. We have a Zone conference on tuesdsay that Elder Pimentel and I have been planning for. I am a bit nervous, to say the least. But we have been pounding out a training for the past few days. Its cool because we get to use powerpoints and videos, so we spent a few hours in the library making up a powerpoint. It was a little stressful. And on Tuesday we had Missions Leadership council. Something that I dont think I had ever heard of until last week. But it was inspiring and uplifting. President Merrill is the man for the job. He is a great leader and mission president! We counciled together on what we could do to help the mission of Luanda Angola. Then after we had a leadership Training. Lots of things to learn and soak in. President talked about the most effective way to be a good leader. EXAMPLE. He is very big on "Show how and not Tell how." Which is true, most people will learn more from what they see than from what they are told. Sim we need to tell how sometimes but being an example is much better way of doing it.

Sunday was a great day but a bit of a struggle. We waited and waited for ANY of our investigators to come and no one did. We called and people cancelled or didnt «answer. And then halfway through the 2nd hour our fone rings and we both got up and bolted for the door to get out of the class to anwser the fone. It was Amelia!!! She had come. I was about to fall into " The pit of despair." But then Amelia pulled me out!! She came!! It was great because she knows Germina, a recent convert, so they sat next to eachother. But during the sacrament meeting I sat next to Amelia as well. I pulled out my scriptures and showed Amelia the Sacrament prayers. She then asked me about her baptism and marriage. But she was really asking me about repntance. I explained about the sacrament and what she was about to eat. It was cool, We talked about Repentance and the meaning of baptism and the sacrament, during the meeting with hushed voices. But she works a lot so it is almost impossible to sit with her. We havent seen her for 2 weeks. But she knows the Gospel is true.

We also tought a woman that just wanted to Bible Bash. She wanted to prove her knowledge superior to ours. But we tried to avoid her penetrating questions and eventually moved into the Restoration. By the end of the lesson the Spirit was thick. You could feel it. We asked her if she had any quesions... I was suprised at what she actually asked, (I was ready for more doctrine questions) "You have told me all this, and that I need to pray to know,...but how will I know?" I was taken back , but then we were able to testify of the Spirit and how he works with us. She understood and even accepted baptism. This is a Miracle! I know the Spirit changed the hearts of those that choose to listen. What was starting out to be a classic Bible Bash turned into a powerfully inspiring lesson. We have written on our door, to see as we leave the house every day, "Go find those Miracles!!" When you do what the Lord wants you to do and follow the Spirit, the Miracles will find you.

We were contacting and knocked on a particular door. A woman came to the door, saw us, asked the gardener what we wanted, then announced that she was already part of another church and that she DID NOT want to talk about church stuff. I knew that she was never going to let us in, so thinking on my toes I decided to try and get a reference out of her... "Sister, do you know anybod...." She cut me off in real fast and started to go balistic. Screaming very loudly, Get out, I dont want to talk to you, you can leave! No get out go away!" (This was in English by the way, Which was even more suprising.) She even threatened to «call the police...we left without another word. Ha, But I had to laugh. It was pretty funny, even though it suprised me a lot! Then we tought a pastor of another church that wants us to come to his congregation next Sunday to deliver our message... Yeah, I didnt know what to say either... But we shall see what happenes, He said he really wanted our help to preach the gospel to the members of his church. So we talked about the restroation and left him a pamphlet.

I know the Gospel is true. I love all of you very much!!!

Elder Dredge

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